Site FAQ
Q: How do I place an order?
To place an order either email us or fill out the order form on the contact us page to place an order. All orders are handled through email as we want to make sure the customer is going to get exactly what they want and have all possible questions answered before they place an order with APureSound. The customer comes first and we want them to feel comfortable ordering from us.
Q: Why haven't you replied to my email?
We normally respond within 24-48hrs. If it has been longer than 72hrs please just send another email.
Q: What type of payments do you accept?
Domestic: Paypal, Money Order, and Cash (local orders only).
International: Paypal and Wire Transfer (available for resellers only).
Q: Would you ship to my country?
We are willing to ship anywhere in the world. Please just make sure to let us know where you are from.
Q: How much do you charge for shipping?
The shipping cost depends on the item(s) being shipped. We charge as close to the exact shipping cost as possible.
Q: What are the available shipping options?
Domestic: Cable orders are shipped using USPS Priority Mail with delivery confirmation. Headphone orders are shipped using FedEx Ground with tracking and insurance.
International: Cable orders are shipped using USPS Standard Air Mail or USPS Global Express (EMS) Mail with tracking and insurance. Headphone orders are shipped using USPS Global Express (EMS) Mail with tracking and insurance.
Other shipping methods are available. Just let us know how you want your item(s) shipped.
Q: What is the wait time for my order?
The usual build time is 2-3 weeks from the time the payment is received, but often times the total turn around time is less. It is best to ask what your order time will be at the time of the order being placed for a more accurate estimation.
Q: Can you make a product that is not listed on your site yet?
Yes. We make all sorts of custom cables. We are also willing to recable all sorts of headphones. Just fill out the order form on the contact us page and we will provide you with a quote. We do not recable ear buds.
Q: Where can I buy the wire you use?
It is not available publicly. We ordered thousands of feet of custom made wire and shielding strictly for use in our cables. The wire was made exactly to our specifications from the grade wire to the type and thickness of the insulation.
Q: Can you tell me how to build so and so?
Sorry, but it took us hundreds (if not thousands) of hours to design and create our products so we do not give out details as to how something is built.
Q: Can you build me a completely custom cable?
Yes! Just send us an email about what you are looking for and we will work directly with you until a perfect cable is built for you.
Q: What type of warranty do you offer?
We offer a limited lifetime warranty for all of our cables against manufacturer defects. Any improper use of the item will void all warranty. Warranty is not transferable.
Q: Can I call you?
While this is possible we greatly prefer email as we spend a lot of time working and this would just take away from our build time. In some cases there may be a need for this and it is available.
APureSound is not liable for any damages that may occur during a recable or modification due to a headphone, amp, or cd player having been previously opened, modified, or repaired by anyone other than APureSound. We make the final decision. Please contact us for more information.